Get to know us
Welcome to Dog Ownership Simplified. My name is Brenda and I have been a dog owner for over 20 years. From puppies to seniors, dogs have earned the reputation of being “Man’s Best Friend.” They love and protect their care takers even if it means disregarding their own welfare for that of their owner. However, owning a dog is a HUGE responsibility. Their very health and happiness depend on you. Over the years, I have seen dog owners learn by trial and error. I am hoping to use this website to assist you with that learning curve. Whether you are a beginner or experienced dog owner, we learn from these wonderful creatures every day! No two dogs are the same even if they are litter mates. That is why the learning curve is so difficult in certain cases. Like people, dogs have their own personalities, peculiarities, phobias, moods, and dispositions,
Please meet my sweet girls, Tia & Taffy. Yes, they are litter mates and sisters. They are Teacup Yorkshire terriers. They are very loving and friendly. They have never snipped at anyone. I tell everyone that they are lovers and not fighters. No, they are not “Yappers”! But make no mistake, they are animals and not humans. They are little hunters at heart. To my dismay, these ladies LOVE to chase and capture Geckos! I will tell you more about my girls as we blog together.
The girls and I are excited about spending time with everyone and learning about the wonderful antics and personalities of your best friend. We are so happy to make this journey with you as you discover new ways to enjoy YOUR DOG!